Çeşme Yarımadası Deniz Çevresi Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri

The book has been prepared with the aim of addressing the problems related to the marine environment in the Çeşme Peninsula in depth and presenting feasible solutions to these problems. Written by experts in the field, the book, which also includes the views of the sector and the public, addresses the main problems such as marine pollution, loss of biodiversity, coastal erosion and the effects of marine tourism, and proposes solutions that will raise social awareness, support legal regulations and are based on sustainable development principles. Turkish, 172 pages.

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İstanbul Boğazı Ulaşım Rejimi Tarihi Üzerinde Araştırma

The book “Historical Assessment of Ship Passage Regime in the İstanbul Strait” is based on the PhD research of Dr. Ashida, who served as Japan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and later as Prime Minister in 1948. During his tenure at the Japanese Embassy in Turkey from 1925 to 1929, he also completed his PhD. This valuable work highlights the historical development and international significance of the Turkish Straits and conveys it to future generations. Turkish, 359 pages.

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Soft-walled Foraminifera and the Gromiids of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov: Aspects of Taxonomical Diversity and Ecology

As a result of ongoing studies of the authors for years, this book provides comprehensive information on the current state of the Monothalamous Foraminifera and the Gromiida inhabiting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The book is a pioneer in following the trail of a ship by including its historical adventure. This book introduces the audience to monothalamous Foraminifera and Gromiida giving information on their diversity supported with brief descriptions of the species with microphotographs. English, 186 pages.

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Selanik’ten Gonca’ya Bir Geminin Serüveni

The Selanik ship, whose name was changed twice as Konca and Gonca, is a hero who provided important services in our struggle of Republic. This research is an important work in which reminds us the Selanik ship and its contributions in the days when we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic. The book is a pioneer in following the trail of a ship by including its historical adventure. Turkish, 30 pages.

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Shipwrecks of the Gallipoli Campaign and Protection of Marine Biodiversity

In the book, the battleships sunk during the Çanakkale Naval and Gallipoli Land Battles, their stories 108 years ago, and their current situations are examined from historical, military, cultural and marine biodiversity perspectives. Known as the most powerful and deadliest of their time, these battleships, lying at the depths, for more than a century, are now shelters for marine species and biodiversity hotspots. In addition to the importance of biodiversity on and around the shipwrecks, the book includes social issues such as evaluating the shipwrecks as our cultural heritage and declaring them as new touristic destinations. As TUDAV, we dedicate this book to those who lost their lives for their country in the Gallipoli Wars, on the 100th anniversary of our Republic. English, 126 pages.

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The Sea of Marmara 1894 Expedition

This book is a reference guide that publishes the results of the research conducted by Russian scientists with the ship “Selanik” in the Sea of Marmara in 1894. It aims to contribute the scientific findings obtained from these investigations to Turkish scientists. The inclusion of the initial scientific research results on the 1894 Great Marmara Earthquake enhances the significance of the study.Turkish, 120 pages.

Is Maritime Industry Ready for a Probable İstanbul Earthquake?

It is the proceedings book of the workshop organised by Istanbul Technical University, Turkish Marine Research Foundation and ITU Turkish Straits Maritime Application and Research Centre on 18 March 2023. In the book; experts discuss what should be done in the maritime sector before the possible Istanbul earthquake. Turkish, 128 pages.

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25 Years Dedicated to Seas (1997-2022)

The Turkish Marine Research Foundation has been carrying out its research and activities for the protection of the seas of our country and the world for 25 years without fail. Since its establishment, it has designed and realized projects on almost every subject related to the sea in a stable manner and with an increasing momentum. This book tells the story of 25 years of devotion in this ambitious process. In Turkish and English, 271pages.

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Dardanos Coral Reef of the Çanakkale Strait

The book is on the endangered reef-forming coral Cladocora caespitosa. Within the scope of the book, the only coral protected area in the Turkish seas (Dardanos, Çanakkale Strait) and marine life living within, ecology, morphology and distributional features of colonies are presented. The book also aims to provide prior information on marine biodiversity and the first hard coral in-situ transplantation studies carried out in the Çanakkale Strait. In Turkish, 160pages.

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Artizan Dalgıç

Artisanal Diver is a professional adventure literature in which collector diving, whose roots go back to the dawn of civilization, is told, and academic language is blended with sailor conversation. In Artisanal Diver, Hakan Kabasakal described this challenging and yet epic profession, as he called it, “the profession of the brave”, with a blend of his own experiences, scientific evidence, ecological concerns and a love for the sea. Whenever the word comes from our seas, the name of this place for us has now become the “Blue Homeland”, almost every head has a voice and this confusion often does not lead to a conclusion. Perhaps the main reason for this situation is that the connoisseurs of the business are not given the opportunity to speak or they are listening to what they say. From this point of view, Artisanal Diver can be thought of as a resource that is not content with explaining an important profession in our country, but offers solutions to the problems from a perspective directly from the profession. We wish you a pleasant and safe dive between the pages of Artisanal Diver.

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Proceedings of the Marmara Sea 2022 Symposium

It is the book of proceedings of the Marmara Sea 2022 Symposium, which we held on 8-9 January 2022. During the Symposium, which we organized with the main sponsorship of Türkiye İş Bankası, current and vital issues related to the Marmara Sea were discussed with the contribution of 189 scientists and experts from 56 institutions in 71 papers. The book, which consists of Turkish papers, consists of 475 pages.

Checklist of Marine, Freshwater, and Aquarium Fish Parasites in Turkey

This book entitled “Checklist of Marine, Freshwater, and Aquarium Fish Parasites in Turkey” is the most comprehensive and up to date source for publications on the parasites of fish living in different aquatic environments in Turkey. Parasites are among the significant parts of biological diversity of living sources and they have to be monitored and investigated to enhance protection strategies against them in term of fish health status. Thus, this book will be a good source for the further parasitological studies on wild as well as cultured fishes in Turkey in the light of current publications. This book consists of 311 pages which was written in English.

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Extreme Marine Environments of Turkey

“Extreme Marine Environmets of Turkey” involves 10 articles authored by experts in geology, geophysics, geography, biogeochemistry, oceanography, chemistry, and environmental sciences. This book, addressing challenging topics with a multidisciplinary approach, draws attention to various processes experienced in extreme zones of Turkish seas and offers a scientific basis for identification and conservation of these special ecosystems. The book is 210 pages and published online in Turkish with contributions of 21 authors from 12 different institutions

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Climate Change and Its Effects on Turkish Seas

‘Climate Change and Its Effects on Turkish Seas’, prepared with the cooperation of Turkish Marine Research Foundation and Middle East Technical University’s Institute of Marine Sciences, examines the effects of climate change and the marine ecosystem. The book focuses on a variety of subjects such as changes in water temperature in Turkish seas, its effects on marine life, macrodescriptor species, invasive alien species, salinization of wetlands and coastal areas, changes in fisheries and catch composition, climate change adaptation and management strategies. The book, containing 25 articles in 266 pages and written by 41 authors from 20 institutions and organizations, is published in Turkish in 2021.

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Marine Aquaculture in Turkey: Advancements and Management

This book “Marine Aquaculture in Turkey: Advancements and Management” will present the current situation and plot a route for the future of aquaculture in Turkey. The book includes 19 sections written by 50 expert academicians and private sector representatives from 17 institutions and companies. The language is English. Year of publication; 2020, 430 pages.

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Agreement with the Monster

Lessons We Learned from the Great White Shark in Turkish Waters

Whenever a conversation starts on the great white shark, the term “monster” has always been the most frequently used statement to describe this magnificent but misunderstood predatory fish. Agreement with the Monster, was written in the light of current knowledge to summarise the lessons we have learned from the great white shark, whose existence was denied for many years in Turkish waters. The language is English. Year of publication; 2020, 74 pages

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Marine Litter in the Black Sea

The book is filled with the contributions of 93 researchers from eight countries and 28 universities, institutes and civil society organizations. The 361-page book, online published in English, becomes an important resource for everyone from scientists to decision-makers, by comprehensively addressing the issue of marine litter that threatens our seas increasingly every day.

A Field Guide to The Sharks of Turkish Waters

A Field Guide to the Sharks of Turkish Waters, is the first epublished book, written by Hakan Kabasakal, dealing with the recent 36 species of sharks, occurring in the area. We hope that the field guide would be an updated reference for shark experts, marine biology professionals and shark nerds, who wants to get information on eastern Mediterranean sharks, as well.

22 Years of TUDAV

Our book titled “22 Years of TUDAV” includes our 22 years of studies, conducted since the Turkish Marine Research Foundation was established. Year of publication; 2020, 187 pages.

Marine Caves of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Biodiversity, Threats and Conservation

“Marine Caves of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Biodiversity, Threats and Conservation”, published by our Foundation, has 18 articles dealing with subjects ranging from geomorphological structure and biodiversity of marine caves to cave dives and risks, as well as legal approaches to dark habitat conservation in the Eastern Mediterranean. Our 258-page book was prepared with the contribution of 43 scientists from different disciplines and the language is English. Year of publication; 2019, 258 pages.

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Cetacean Studies in Turkey by TUDAV

The book contains the list of cetacean studies in Turkey by TUDAV and tells of its partnership with ACCOBAMS. Year of publication; 2019, English, 50 pages.

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Diving Health for Instructors

The book entitled ‘’Diving Health for Instructors’’ has been published for the benefit of diving instructors. This book, published by our Foundation, includes clinical findings, diagnostic approaches, first aid in the field and treatment methods of diving diseases. The book was prepared by academicians from various health institutions, all experts in their fields. Subjects have been divided into 18 chapters. The book was published with the contribution of Turkish Underwater Sports Federation (TSSF). Year of publication; 2019, Turkish, 264 pages.

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Governance and Protection of the High Seas beyond National Jurisdiction

The book, ” Governance and Protection of the High Seas beyond National Jurisdiction ” deals with a very important subject for Turkey. Experts from various disciplines address issues with high seas which constitute more than 50% of the world. How should the high seas be protected and managed on a fair basis? Subjects such as legal matters, genetic resources and their benefits, fisheries resources, conservation of biological diversity, and marine protected areas are included in this book. Our book, published in 2019, is in Turkish and has 126 pages.

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Lionfish Invasion and Its Management in the Mediterranean Sea

This book which named under “The Lionfish Invasion and Its Management in the Mediterranean Sea”, consists of 10 papers and contributed by 24 researchers from 17 institutions. The main topic is about the lionfish and its introduction; invasion; ecosystem, scuba diving, human health impacts; the aquarium trade; the consumption and its management in the Mediterranean Sea. It is published in 2018, in English, 121 pages.

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Jellyfish of the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean Waters

The book contains jellyfish in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean waters, their characteristics and first aid suggestions upon physical contact, published with the contribution of World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and Turkish Underwater Sports Federation (TSSF). Year of publication; 2018, English, 74 pages.

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Oil Spill along the Turkish Straits Sea Area; Accidents, Environmental Pollution, Socio-Economic Impacts and Protection

This book, named “Oil Spill along the Turkish Straits Sea Area; Accidents, Environmental Pollution, Socio-Economic Impacts and Protection”, consists of 7 chapters and 42 papers contributed by 59 researchers from 20 institutions, and covers a wide range of topics regarding the historical accidents along the Sea of Marmara and Turkish Straits, the restrictions on oceanographic and hydro-dynamical conditions, oil pollution, new technological advances in assessing oil spill impacts and clean-up recoveries, effects on biological communities, socio-economic aspects and subjects with the international agreements. Online published in 2018, English, 464 pages.

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Black Sea Marine Environment: The Turkish Shelf

This book, named ‘Black Sea Marine Environment: The Turkish Shelf’, consists of 4 chapters and 28 papers contributed by 59 researchers from 20 institutions, covering a wide range of topics regarding the Black Sea. Online published in 2017, English, 582 pages. Dedicated to our friend, a remarkable scientist, Prof. Murat Sezgin, whom we lost in a tragic accident on 28.07.2017.

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Antarctica, Infinite beauty and wilderness for peace and science.

This extraordinary book was published by the Turkish Marine Research Foundation in 2017, in English, with 196 pages. The Turkish Marine Research has played a crucial role in the development of polar science in Turkey, by providing financial support and lobbying for advancement. As the common heritage of humankind, this continent deserves protection for its highly vulnerable ecosystems. The author asserts that this continent and the surrounding marine areas should be designated as a marine protected area in perpetuity.

Proceedings of 1st Turkish Deep Sea Ecosystem Workshop

This book named “Proceedings of 1st Turkish Deep Sea Ecosystem Workshop”, consists of 14 presentations contributed by 29 researchers, covering a wide range of topics regarding the Deep Seas Ecosystem of Turkey.
Online published in 2017, Turkish, 156 pages.

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The Turkish Part of the Mediterranean Sea Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance

This book, named ‘The Turkish Part of the Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance’, consists of 4 chapters and 38 papers contributed by 73 researchers from 15 institutions, covering a wide range of topics regarding the Sea of Marmara.
Online published in 2016, English, 613 pages.

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The Sea of Marmara Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance

This book, named The Sea of Marmara Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance, consists of 5 chapters 70 papers contributed by 95 researchers from 29 institutions, covering a wide range of topics regarding the Sea of Marmara.
Online published in 2016, in English, 981 pages.

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The Aegean Sea Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance

This book, named The Aegean Sea Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance, consists of 50 papers contributed by 75 researchers from 16 institutions, covering a wide range of topics regarding the Aegean Sea.

Online published in 2015, English, 730 pages.

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Turkish Fisheries in the Black Sea

Published by the Turkish Marine Research Foundation in 2014; the publication is the first comprehensive book on the subject. It reflects the general characteristics and state of the Black Sea fisheries. Pelagic and demersal fisheries, the biodiversity of the Black Sea, seafood processing as well as some current topics are covered in 26 articles and 5 chapters by 35 authors from various institutions, universities and disciplines such as fishery and marine science faculties and research institutes of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. 548 pages.


First National Workshop on Posidonia oceanica(L.) Delile on the Coasts of Turkey

The proceedings book of the workshop held on 19-20 September 2013 is in English. Editors: Yelda Aktan, Veysel Aysel. 183 pages.

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Red Data Book Black Sea, Turkey

Published in 2013, the book describes 131 threatened species from the Turkish part of the Black Sea and also provides information about their global and regional status, distributions, habitat types and population trends. 323 pages.


The Establishment of a Turkish Antarctic Research Base Workshop

This is the proceedings book of the workshop held on 30 April 2013. Editors: Bayram ÖZTÜRK, Osman ATASOY, 95 pages. Publication no: 37.

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First National Workshop on Marine Biotechnology and Genomics

The book focuses on recent biotechnological developments and potential uses for our country. Editors: Cemal Turan. 234 pages, English. Publication no: 36.
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The State of the Turkish Fisheries

It is the largest original book written about Turkish fisheries. Editors: Adnan Tokaç, Ali Cemal Gücü, Bayram Öztürk. 526 page, English. Publication no: 35.


Workshop on Jellyfish and other Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters

The book contains proceedings of the workshop.

English, 90 pages

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Proceedings of the Symposium “The Marmara Sea 2010”

The book covers 63 articles in various subjects related to the Marmara Sea such as live stocks, geology, recent archaeological studies and pollutions. The first Marmara Sea Symposium took place ten years ago, in 2000. This following publication consists of investigations on the changed and unchanged matters of the Marmara Sea. English and Turkish. 521 pages.

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Dispute Over Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Jurisdiction Areas

Sertaç Hami BAŞEREN

There is a worsening dispute on maritime jurisdiction areas in the Eastern Mediterranean. Oil and natural gas reserves assumed to be in the region exacerbate the dispute. Greece wants to delineate the continental shelf boundary with Turkey by drawing a median line passing between Anatolian and the islands of Rhodos and Meis, and to delimit the continental shelf/EEZ areas in the Mediterranean with Egypt and the Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus. The Greek Cypriot Administration wants to delineate its continental shelf boundary with Turkey by drawing a median line passing between the Cyprus Island and Anatolia, and to delimit the continental shelf/EEZ areas in the region with Egypt and Greece on the median line principle. Such a delimitation prevents the non-encroachment right of Turkey in the region. Turkey asserts that this delimitation is not equitable, that Cyprus Island and Greece should not be granted any continental shelf except for their territorial waters on its western coasts and the regional islands respectively in compliance with the international law, and that the large continental shelf/EEZ areas should be delimited between Turkey and Egypt, which are the owners of the two coasts dominating the region. English and Turkish, 143 pages.


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Scientific View of Lake Sapanca

Published in 2008 the book is TUDAV’s 29th publication and it is the first book on Lake Sapanca. With the contributions of authors from various institutes and disciplines, the book aims to highlight the pollution of the Lake and be a part of the solution through a scientific approach. 161 pages (Turkish).

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Marine Aquaculture in Turkey

This book, published in English, covers various authors on fish farming in Turkey. This book can be beneficial to marine product farmers, policymakers and academic studies.

Edited by Prof. Dr. Akın Candan, Süheyla Karataş, Hüseyin Küçüktaş and İbrahim Okumuş.

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Turkish Black Sea Bibliography

This is the second edition of our first publication of TUDAV. It has been prepared to help people working on Black Sea. The book is in English and Turkish. Edited by Prof. Dr. Levent Bat and Murat Sezgin.

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Aegean Problems

This is a 2006 edition book of “Aegean Problems”, updated and renewed.

Editor: Sertaç Hami Başeren

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Montreux Convention, Turkish Straits and Black Sea

Ali Kurumahmut, 2006. TÜDAV Publications No:26.
Turkish straits are one of the most discussed topics recently. Montreux Convention has been successfully implemented by Turkey for 70 years and this convention protects the Turkish Straits and the Black Sea. However, there is multiple news about this topic in the world public. Turkish Straits are of great interest to EU, US and others. Turkish Straits, one of the important marine transportation ways for various materials including oil, is a link between all countries with coasts to the Black Sea and the new world.

Scientific in nature, the book was prepared by Ali KURUMAHMUT. It has 163 pages with 7 different sections. It tries to answer vital questions like the Black Sea, Turkish Strait, Montreux Convention, Judicial status of Turkish Straits, and responsibilities and the authority of Turkey.

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Turkish Marine Life Journal 2005

This journal was published within the scope of the water days of TUDAV.

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Click to download Turkish Marine Life Journal 2005

Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA)

The book includes the marine protection area concepts and the last implementations around the world. Especially it focuses on the successful studies on the world seas.

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Sustainable Management of Ölüdeniz Lagoon Symposium

This book includes reliable scientific data for the conservation of Ölüdeniz lagoon and serves as a reference book for the people who work in marine protection sites.


Marine Pollution

This book informs us of sources and dimensions of marine pollution and examines different types of marine pollution and legal measures, such as conventions, for the protection of marine environments from an international perspective.

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Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean

470 different species of Eastern Mediterranean Fishes are individually introduced in this book. This is an excellent reference book.

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The Turkish Straits

This book discusses the legal, environmental and technical dimensions of the Turkish Straits and searches for an answer to what will happen in the future.

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The RA Expeditions

This book was published in 1970, written by Thor HEYERDAHL and translated to 77 different languages. The Turkish translation was done by TUDAV. TUDAV has started its translation books with this book. With this Turkish translation, TUDAV aims to illuminate the Turkish public. This book has 472 pages.

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The Proceedings of The International Workshop on Mediterranean Cartilaginous Fish with Emphasis on Southern and Eastern Mediterranean

This is a proceedings book on the Action Plan of Protection of Mediterranean Cartilaginous Fishes (UNEP-MAP) workshop that is organized in Istanbul-Ataköy Marina on 14-16 October 2005. This meeting was organized with the support of Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas. This workshop is the first meeting on the problems of fishery management and protection of Eastern Mediterranean Cartilaginous Fishes. This book is prepared by Nuri BAŞUSTA, Çetin KESKİN, Fabrizio SERENA, Bernard SERET. It’s in English and has 260 pages.


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Marine Life of Turkey

Various books are being published on marine life in Turkey in recent years. Some in English, some in Turkish, the books are read by divers and marine scientists. Marine Life of Turkey, prepared by TUDAV last year, has sold out rapidly. This year, a revised and updated edition has been published in English. This book is aiming to bring international prominence to the rich biodiversity in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions and universally promote national research.

Turkish Straits and Straits Commission President Vasıf (Temel) Pasha

Turkish Straits and Straits Commission President Vasıf (Temel) Pasha during the first years of our republic. This book was prepared by Dr. Mustafa HERGÜNER and published by our foundation. It has two sections. The first part covers the Turkish Straits during the first year of our republic and the second part examines the life of Vasıf Pasha. The book summaries the history of the straits and describes the Turkey of Atatürk from Lozan to Montreux. This book is written in Turkish and has 132 pages.

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International Workshop on the Black Sea Benthos

In cooperation with the Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery (BSERP), the Black Sea Benthos Meeting was organized in Ataköy Marina on 18-23 April 2004. Experts from six countries participated in this meeting. During the meeting, habitats of Black Sea Benthos organisms, their lifestyles, physical and chemical parameters, and their ecologies were discussed. This book covers the presentations for this meeting. Published in English. It’s edited by Bayram ÖZTÜRK, Vadim O. MOKIEVSKY and Bülent TOPALOGLU and has 240 pages.

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Turkish Marine Life Journal 3

Number: 3

This book examines all the proceedings presented in water days, in Izmir. This is a sourcebook for marine biodiversity, pollution, coastal usage and fisheries.

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Responsible Fisheries Booklet for the Black and Azov Seas

In cooperation with the Black Sea Ecosystem Recovery Project (BSERP), this book is the 7th, named “Responsible Fisheries Booklet for the Black and Azov Seas”. It includes journals from 6 different countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine) with coasts to the Black Sea. It is in English and covers the subject of precautions and recommendations on sustainable Black Sea Fishery. This book, translated to six different languages, is meant to be used for educating the fishermen. This book is edited by Bayram ÖZTÜRK and has 77 pages.

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Marine Life Journal Number: 2

This journal covers the statements of 1th National Malakoloji Congress in Izmir.

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II. National Aegean Islands Symposium

This book examines the Aegean Sea from historical, judicial, and sociological perspectives, with a special focus on the Ottoman period. The book examines the judicial problems of the Aegean Sea and presents ideas on equitable solutions. 20 expert individuals contribute to this book.

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Benthic Foraminifera of Eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey) Systematics and Autoecology

Prof Engin Meriç and his friends prepared an excellent book on benthic foraminifers in the Aegean Sea and they collect the studies on all of the East Aegean Islands in this book. This book is the result of a long term study on the subject. It is a must for everyone who is interested in marine geology and ecology.

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Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (A. Agassis) in Azov and Black Seas: Its Biology and Consequences of its Intrusion

Our foundation has published a book on Mnemiopsis leidyi which was introduced to the Black and Azov Sea by tanker ballast water in 1987. This book is focused on the ecological changes in Black and Azov Seas, decline in fisheries and ecological losses. This book was recommended as a sourcebook for IMO Ship Ballast Water Convention.


Caspian -Caucasus Petrol, Turkish Straits- Environmental Threat

Our country has few academic studies focused on the Caspian -Caucasus crude oil route, marine transportation in Turkish Straits and environmental threats. However, increasing crude oil transportation from the Caspian Basin is hazardous in terms of health, wealth and environment in the Turkish Straits.

This book examines the politics of oil and environmental risks in a holistic fashion including pipelines and oil tankers. Moreover, politics on carrying the Caspian oil outside of the basin, pipelines and oil transportation, the Baku-Ceyhan oil pipeline, Caspian Sea and its status, transportation regime from Turkish Straits, international policies of Straits, oil pollution, and environmental risks are examined.

This book was prepared by Dr. Deniz Kutluk as a reference book for academics, policymakers and everyone else interested in the topic.

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Turkish Marine Life Journal

Number: 1

In the memory of the 80th year of our republic, and International Water Year, TUDAV, in cooperation with Hacettepe University prepared the Turkish Marine Life Journal which includes the statement summaries of “National Water Days 2003 Meeting”.

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Marine Organisms Guide

Within the scope of our LIFE Project, “Marine Organisms Guide Book” is published. In the book, 160 species of marine organisms, including sea turtles are introduced.

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Aegean problems

TUDAV accomplishes its mission on increasing public awareness by publishing several books about strategic marine problems of our country. This book examines the technical, historical, sociological and political dimensions of Aegean Problems. In this concept, this book tries to answer the question of “What does Greece want from Turkey?”

It has 258 pages and edited by Doç. Dr. Sertaç Hami Başeren

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Workshop on Demersal Resources in the Black Sea & Azov Sea

The book examines benthic fishes and their production potential in the Black and Azov Seas. This workshop statement book includes fishery management, protecting the threatened species, establishment of new protection sites and developing the Black Sea Action Plan. It’s edited by Bayram ÖZTÜRK and F. Saadet KARAKULAK. This book is in English and has 129 pages. It’s especially recommended for people studying Black Sea fisheries and live stocks.


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Workshop on Farming, Management and Conservation of Bluefin Tuna

This book covers the biology, migration path, fishery, stock state, fishery management of Tuna. It also covers the implementations of “International Commission on the Tuna Conservation(ICCAT)”, quota implementation for protecting the stocks, tuna stock farming, development of stock farming in appropriate sites and observation of the sites in regards to pollution. It’s edited by Işık K. ORAY and F. Saadet KARAKULAK and has 145 pages.

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Proceedings of Aegean Continental Shelf and Related Problems Symposium

During the European Union process, it’s expected that Turkish Agenda will be Aegean problems after having dealt with the Cyprus issues. For this reason, TUDAV organized a meeting on “Aegean Continental Shelf and Related Problems” on 14-15 December and published the proceedings of this meeting. In the book: the chronological dimension of Aegean Problems, their relationship with territorial waters and continental shelf, announcing the exclusive economic zones, marine authority sites, natural extensions of Aegean Sea, formulations on the limitation of continental shelf, Turkish and Greek opinion on the disputes, analysis on the cases of international Court of Justice, etc. are examined. In the meeting, the impacts of Aegean Sea disputes on the Mediterranean were also focused on.

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The Proceedings of the Symposium on the Straits Used for International Navigation

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Natural Heritage of Turkey

This is a book on our country’s natural beauties. It covers the endemic plants and animals of our country. It has 48 pages and is in English. It’s edited by B. ÖZTÜRK and S. YERLİ.

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Workshop on the Lessepsian Migration

In this book, Lessepsian migration and its negative impacts are examined. This book has 115 pages and is in English. This proceedings book is edited by B. ÖZTÜRK and N. BAŞUSTA.

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Exotic Species in the Marmara, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas

This book focuses on exotic species in the Marmara, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. Ecological state analysis is also carried out for each sea. It’s edited by Y. ZAITSEV and B. ÖZTÜRK. It’s in English and has 265 pages.


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Proceedings of National Meeting of Aegean Islands in 2001

In the book, terrestrial and marine biodiversity of Aegean Sea islands and surroundings is examined. It also covers marine pollutions, diving tourism, marine geology-geophysics, etc. It has 299 pages and is edited by B. ÖZTÜRK and V. AYSEL.

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Problems of Regional Seas 2001

This book is the proceedings of an international symposium on exploring maritime law in determining the environmental and maritime jurisdiction issues of Caspian Sea, Black Sea, Azov Sea, Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean as well as the legal situation and problems surrounding the Straits and marine transportation. It has 304 pages and is written in English. Edited by B. ÖZTÜRK and N. ALGAN.

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Proceedings of Marmara Sea 2000 Symposium

This book covers the statements of Marmara Sea 2000 Symposium. Oceanographic and hydrographic features, geology and seismicity, atmospheric and terrestrial pollution sources, marine transportation, marine traffic in the straits, marine law, live stocks and fishery, pesticides, heavy metals in marine organisms, etc. were mentioned in this book. Edited by B. ÖZTÜRK, M. KADIOĞLU and H. ÖZTÜRK, 607 pages.

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The Aegean Sea 2000

This book is the proceedings of international symposiums and covers Aegean Sea environmental problems, fishery, geological structure, oil resources as well as territorial seas, the continental shelf of the Aegean Sea and its safety, and marine transportation. Edited by B. ÖZTÜRK. It’s written in English and has 262 pages.

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Proceedings of Beykoz Environmental Problem Symposium

It was published in 1998 and has 222 pages. The book covers the land and sea surveys as well as research on environmental problems. It focuses on noise and air pollution, sewage systems and drinking water problems, wildlife, water resources and the geological structure, marine traffic, marine pollution, possible diving sites, ecotourism, forest sites, historical and social structure, etc. Edited by; H ÖZTÜRK.

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Turkish Aegean Sea Bibliography

It was published in 1997 and has 96 pages. The book covers the studies and references concerning the Aegean Sea. Edited by B. ÖZTÜRK.

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Turkish Black Sea Bibliography

This book was published in 1996 and has 70 pages. It covers the references from the journals on the Black Sea. Edited by B. ÖZTÜRK

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