TUDAV has launched a new project named “Black Sea marine environment research with public participation (Black Sea Watch in short)” together with the Green Balkans (Bulgaria), financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey (within the framework of the Civil Society Dialogue Programme CSD-ENV). The overall objectives of the project are to increase public awareness on marine biodiversity in the Black Sea and to increase public participation in biodiversity data collection for the Black Sea through application for smart phones and web-based database. Collection of information such as texts, maps and pictures for creation of applications for smart phones and web-based data base, workshop with international experts for consultation, promotion of developed tools, publication of booklet on environmental education for Black Sea biodiversity and leaflet presenting project outputs and testing of created tools by users of the wide public are the main activities for this project. The created tools will be promoted by several public events like “Science café” for adults and Summer schools for youth/students. The active implementation period lasted for12 months starting on 15 February 2016.

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