
Bycatch of Cartilaginous Fishes in Turkish Waters

Jellyfish bloom – Bridge BS

What is the stony coral? Cladocora caespitosa

Mediterranean Monk Seals of Gökçeada Island

Current System Modelling of Turkish Seas

Mediterranean, How Generous You Are

Plastics do not belong in the ocean!

World Oceans Day Message from UN to TUDAV

On the Beach

An Unusual Duo

Lionfish in the Mediterranean

Gökçeada Marine Underwater Park – Avrupa’dan Anadolu’ya Doğal Lezzetlerin İzinde

Gökçeada Marine Underwater Park

Turkish Antarctic Research Expedition 2016

A Whale of a Road (Minke’s Way)

A Story of an Invasive Alien Species, Rapana venosa, in the Black Sea

We Need More MPA’s

“We Need More MPAs” is produced by TUDAV to raise awareness on the importance of marine protected areas. In “We Need More MPAs” the richness of the Mediterranean biodiversity and the dangers it faces are mentioned. Also representatives and scientists from Mediterranean research institutes made brief statements.

CoCoNET Documentary Film

As a part of the outreach program, we have produced a 30-min documentary film on CoCoNet, directed by Roberto Rinaldi. It features Marine Protected Areas, ecosystem functioning, and offshore wind farms, with beautiful and colorful footages of both the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Please take a look and show it for various outreach and dissemination activities.

Yeşil Doğa, CNN Türk, 6 Aralık 2014 TUDAV-MARLISCO

Cetacean Stranding Research Survey 2003

Dolphins of the Bosphorus

Doğanın Bekçileri: Türkiye

Preserving the Marine Environment of Oludeniz Lagoon

TV5 Thalassa Istanbul part


Sandbar Sharks at Boncuk Bay (Gökova Bay – Turkey)

Mutlu Payaslıoğlu

Project of the marine litter and cetacean strandings in the Turkish western Black Sea coast

İz Tv Boğazdaki Çöplük 3 – Geleceği Yaratanlar belgeselinden

Documantation of the research cruise in 2007 to Romania (supported by TUDAV)

15th Years video of our Foundation


Vakıf Başkanımız Prof. Dr. Bayram Öztürk’ün 8 Kasım 2012 tarihinde katıldığı Skytürk kanalında yayınlanan Şimdi Söz Sizde programını aşağıdaki bağlantıdan seyredebilirsiniz.

Black Sea Mouth of the Danube River

Sperm Whale Rescue Operation

Danube-Mouth Delta

ANEMONE Project – TUDAV Cetacean Surveys in the Black Sea in 2019 and 2021

The Centre of Traditional Swordfish Fishing