Please click to 2023 Activity Report
43rd CIESM Congress Marine and Cultural Heritage in the Heart of the Mediterranean Date: October 14-18, 2024 Location: Sicily, Italy Join us at the 43rd CIESM Congress from 14 to 18 October 2024, in Sicily! After a 2-year hiatus imposed by the global pandemic and subsequent issues, we are excited to resume our traditional marine research showcase. This event will foster scientific excellence and promotes peaceful dialogue across the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins. Sicily, the chosen location for our next congress, offers a stunning backdrop, combining marine science with rich coastal heritage in a region steeped in cultural and historical significance. Our 2024 Congress will explore a wide range of marine […]
Webinar Jointly Organized by TUDAV and NIMA “Blue Economy and Sharing Experiences of Turkiye-Pakistan Maritime Sectors” 05 December 2022 (Monday) Türkiye and Pakistan are both maritime nations, and their economies heavily depend on their oceans and ocean resources. Keeping the significance of blue economy and maritime cooperation in perspective, the Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), and National Institute of Maritime Affairs – NIMA of Pakistan, are jointly hosting a online webinar on the theme of “Blue Economy and Sharing Experiences of Türkiye-Pakistan Maritime Sectors” to gain mutual understanding of Pakistan-Türkiye maritime experiences and to provide expert policy recommendations on blue economy and maritime cooperation. Please clich to programme
RUSYA-UKRAYNA SAVAŞI KAPSAMINDA KARADENİZ’DE DENİZ GÜVENLİĞİ ÇALIŞTAYI MARITIME SECURITY IN THE BLACK SEA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR 9 Aralık – December 2022 – Ankara Düzenleyenler – Organized by: Ankara Üniv. SBF, TÜDAV Yer SBF – Location SBF: Cebeci, Mülkiye Şeref Salonu – Cebeci, Hall of Honour Please click to programme Please send email to participation to .
Experiences and Knowledge Sharing International Workshop, July 26th, 10.00 – 14.15 CET Link to zoom Fishers, observers, marine conservation experts, students and sea lovers, join us! If you are interested in learning how to build and maintain strong collaborations to reduce bycatch in the Mediterranean, this free online workshop is for you. Sharing best practices on how to work together to mitigate bycatch, exchanging lessons learnt on how to protect biodiversity and celebrating successes. Click to Proposed Workshop Agenda
Ocean Conference 2022 Lisbon The announcement of TUDAV side event “Building a Bridge between Science and Sustainable Action in Managing Impacts of Non-Indigenous Species in the Mediterranean Sea“ 28 June, 17:00-19:00 Pavillion of Knowledge, Lisbon Please click to details
Please click to 2020 Activity Report
Please Join us and Celebrate the Black Sea Action Day on the 31st of October, 2020! EVENT: TUDAV Regional Conference on the Occasion of the 24th Black Sea Action Day Online Meeting (with Turkish and English Presentations) Join us to celebrate the Black Sea Action Day together with leaders, activists, scientists and policy makers – let’s discuss the current scientific findings, ongoing projects and potential solutions in safeguarding Black Sea biodiversity and in transforming the Black Sea into a sustainable marine resource. Background 24 years ago, on 31 October 1996, the six Black Sea countries signed the Black Sea Strategic Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Protection of the Black Sea to achieve […]
First National Noble Pen Shell (Pinna nobilis) Workshop 13 September 2020 As the Turkish Marine Research Foundation, we will carry out our first Noble Pen Shell workshop on a national level on 13 September 2020, Sunday at 6 pm. The following topics will be discussed: Pinna mortalities and their conservation in Turkish waters, Depth distributions of the populations, Pinna diseases and situation assessment, Conclusions and suggestions, and Voluntary Monitoring Program Our workshop will be carried out on a video conference platform called Jitsi. Invitation link: Our speakers will have a 5-minute talk time. Please click to press release (in Turkish)
This year, we will celebrate World Oceans Day on June 8 with four online meetings! #WorldOceansDay #UNworldoceansday #SaveOurOcean #DünyaOkyanuslarGünü #30×30 #ProtectOurHome Join Zoom Meeting… Meeting ID: 854 2809 5827 Password: 271314 Short link: Please click to press release AÇILIŞ OTURUMU(10:00-11:00) Prof.Dr.Bayram ÖZTÜRK, TÜDAV BAŞKANI, TOKYO DENİZ BİLİMLERİ VE TEKNOLOJİSİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ, İSTANBUL ÜNİVERSİTESİ (AÇILIŞ) Büyükelçi Peter THOMSON, BİRLEŞMİŞ MİLLETLER ÖZEL TEMSİLCİSİ-OKYANUSLAR GÜNÜ MESAJI Büyükelçi Çağatay ERCİYES, DIŞİŞLERİ BAKANLIĞI DENİZCİLİK ve HAVACILIK-HUDUT GENEL MÜDÜRÜ Amiral Mustafa İPTEŞ, ULUSLARARASI HİDROGRAFİ ÖRGÜTÜ (IHO) DİREKTÖRÜ Kaptan Hakan ÇENDİK, DENİZ TİCARET ODASI Y.K. ÜYESİ, KOSTER DERNEGİ GENEL SEKRETERİ Gemi İnşaatı ve Makine Mühendisi Cem MELİKOGLU, TÜRK LOYDU BAŞKANI Doç. Dr. Ülgen AYTAN, RECEP TAYYİP ERDOĞAN […]